Cel mai cool telefon!

Ceasuri cu telefon incorporat am mai vazut noi, insa niciunul nu seamana cu Van der Led MW2. Acest gadget super cool va fi lansat oficial pe data de 14 aprilie, la un pret de 299.99 euro.

Pe langa look-ul deosebit, trebuie sa mentionam in plus un aspect important: ceasurile cu telefon sunt aproape imposibil de furat, asa ca scapati de o grija in plus.Daca aveti (ne)norocul sa va intalniti pe strada cu un magician pe numele lui David Blaine, atunci lucrurile se schimba radical in detrimentul vostru, deoarece cu siguranta nici nu veti simti cand va va "elibera" de pretiosul gadget..Bine ca David este baiat de treaba si de regula restituie obiectele "saltate".
In cazul de fata, la cum arata acest dispozitiv, s-ar putea sa nu procedeze asa cum va doriti. Unde ramasesem?Van der Led MW2 aduce multe inovatii. In primul rand este un ceas digital cu dimensiuni rezonabile, intr-o combinatie de culori negru cu argintiu. Display-ul touchscreen de 1.3 inci nu te chinuie in incercarea de a tasta un numar sau un mesaj, deoarece pe curea este plasata o tastatura alfa numerica, cu taste suficient de mari pentru a nu pune probleme serioase.
Convorbirile pot fi efectuate folosind headsetul Bluetooth livrat in pachet, bun si pentru ascultarea melodiilor stocate in memoria gadget-ului sau direct de la posturile de radio FM.Inferior de display-ul touchscreen se gaseste un LED ce poate ilumina in 7 culori.
Nu se putea o alegere mai buna tinand cont de faptul ca producatorul se numeste Van der LED..
Superior se afla un difuzor pentru ascultat muzica in timp ce mana sprijina binevoitoare un cap obosit.MW2 are si o camera foto minuscula, cu o rezolutie de 1.3 Mpx. Camera nu poate fi usor observata, lucru care o face tocmai buna pentru "trasul cu ochiul" la formele apetisante ale..tarii noastre pline de peisaje frumoase ce trebuie neaparat fotografiate!

S-ar putea sa va treziti ca va mai tremura mana din cand in cand si nu e de la consumul de etanol..MW2 are si vibratii care confera unele tremuraturi parkinsoniene pana cand apelul este preluat.

Pe partile laterale, Van der Led MW2 are cate doua butoane pentru diverse ajustari, un port miniUSB si un port pentru casti clasice cu fir. Redarea melodiilor este incurajata si prin includerea unui card de 1 GB ce permite stocarea a aproximativ 300 de piese MP3.MW2 are si o autonomie buna, de 5 ore in vorbit si 240 de ore in standby.
Am inteles in sfarsit ce inseamna expresia din limba engleza "talk to the hand"..

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Bhutan makes democratic transition

The political party set to run Bhutan's first democratic government has promised to be "guided by the past" after it swept landmark polls in the Himalayan nation. The Druk Phuensum Tshogpa (DPT), or Bhutan United Party, won a landslide victory in parliamentary polls on Monday in a pledge to boost development and happiness.

The DPT, led by Jigmi Thinley, won 44 of 47 seats for the lower house in a vote which was proposed by Bhutan's royals to transform the country into a constitutional monarchy.

The People's Democratic Party led by Sangay Ngedup, the present king's uncle, was trounced in the polls, winning just three of 47 seats.

Both parties are staunchly loyal to the royal family and both promised to stick with Gross National Happiness to measure growth.

Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck, the Bhutanese king, is expected to retain a strong influence in running the country.

The kingdom's move to democracy began in 2001 when Jigme Singye Wangchuck, the former king handed over day to day government to a council of ministers and stepped down in favour of his son in 2006.

Democratic burden

Palden Tshering, spokesman for the DPT, told Al Jazeera that people in Bhutan will realise the kind of role and responsibilities they now possess in a democracy."What goes on in neighbouring countries is of concern to us, particularly the political situaton in Nepal," he said.

"But we believe this is the right time to make a democratic transition, when the king's popularity is so high."

The US-educated Thinley, who is expected to become prime minister, is in his constituency in eastern Bhutan and could not be reached for comment.

Thinley has twice been premier under the previous royal governments and has been one of the architects of the nation’s efforts to measure its growth and prosperity in terms of happiness.

Happiness focus

Thinley's focus on happiness may have swung the election in his party's favour, one observer said.

Kinley Dorji, editor-in-chief of the Kuensel newspaper, said: "DPT's vision and manifesto are completely based on the Gross National Happiness concept.

"They were seen to be a stronger advocate of the idea," he said.

The winning party has refrained from celebrating its victory as it waits until the end of a 10-day period during which opposition candidates can contest the results.

The country's election body is expected to certify the victory on April 5, after which the party will form a government.

sursa: Aljazeera

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Sarkozy May Boycott Opening of Olympics

PARIS - French President Nicolas Sarkozy says he cannot rule out the possibility that he might boycott the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympics.

Sarkozy says he "cannot rule out any possibility" in deciding how to respond to the unrest in Tibet. He says he is waiting to see how the situation evolves there before taking a course of action.

Sarkozy spoke Tuesday during a visit with a military regiment in southwest France. His office says Sarkozy was referring specifically to the idea of a boycott of the Aug. 8 opening ceremony.
THIS IS A BREAKING NEWS UPDATE. Check back soon for further information. AP's earlier story is below.

BRISBANE, Australia (AP) , Australia's senior Olympic official urged political activists Tuesday not to target the Beijing Games following protests at the torch-lighting ceremony in Ancient Olympia, Greece.

"I think the Olympic Games are a cause and an agent for good, not a panacea for ills," said Kevan Gosper, vice chairman of the International Olympic Committee's Coordination Commission for the Beijing Games.

Three men advocating press freedom in China evaded massive security Monday and ran onto the field at the ceremony in Ancient Olympia before they were seized by police. Minutes later, a Tibetan woman covered in fake blood briefly blocked the path of the torch relay.

What was supposed to have marked the symbolic, joyous countdown to the Beijing Games began with a statement against China's human rights policies and crackdown in Tibet , foreshadowing the prospect of other protests and disruptions right up until the Aug. 8 start of the Olympics.
Protests are bound to follow the torch throughout its 85,000-mile, 136-day route across five continents and 20 countries. China pledged strict security measures to ensure its segment of the relay won't be marred by protests.

Another potential flashpoint is the route through Tibet. The flame is due to be carried to the summit of Mount Everest in May and pass through Lhasa in June.

Australia Tibet Council executive officer Paul Bourke told the Australian Associated Press that his group planned demonstrations when the torch relay comes to Australia on April 24.

"We will use the focus on Canberra and the torch to highlight the current situation in Tibet and to call for the torch not to go ... through Tibet and up Mount Everest," Bourke said, adding that protesters from Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane would be on hand.

"Tibet is virtually under a state of undeclared martial law and we don't believe it's appropriate to be taking the torch through Tibet at that time," he said.

The Australian Capital Territory's chief minister John Stanhope is proposing high security when the flame is in Canberra.

"The ACT government has been liaising with the Chinese Embassy ... and the Australian Federal Police on security arrangements from the time Canberra was invited to participate in the torch relay," Stanhope said. "These arrangements are well-advanced and, of course, will remain subject to whatever change or augmentation might be needed."
Falun Gong practitioners and Tibet supporters have already staged protests outside the Chinese Embassy in Canberra.

"The ACT government respects the right of anyone to air their opinions or make their sentiments known, so long as they do so in a peaceful manner and so long as they respect the laws of the ACT," Stanhope said. "Canberra has the advantage of hosting the torch later in the global tour, and will be able to learn from the experience of other cities along the way."
Tibetan activists have already said they plan to demonstrate elsewhere on the torch route, including London and Paris.

Also on Tuesday, nearly 50 Tibetan exiles began a torch relay that will take a symbolic flame from northern India through cities on five continents before ending in Tibet the day of the games' opening ceremonies in Beijing, organizers said.

Tsewang Rigzin, president of the Tibetan Youth Congress, said organizers would take the torch by road and air to the United States, Canada, Belgium, Britain, France, Australia, Taiwan, Japan and Nepal, among other destinations. They plan to finish the relay in Lhasa, the capital of Tibet, on Aug. 8, as the world's attention turns to Beijing.

The group opposes China's right to host the Olympics, despite pledges from the Dalai Lama, the Tibetan spiritual leader, to support the games.

"We differ from the Dalai Lama on his stand on the Beijing Olympics," Rigzin said. "We were given democracy in exile by the Dalai Lama and in a democracy we have our rights to speak up."
Gosper, who won a silver medal for Australia at the 1956 Olympics, said "everybody's very sensitive to what's been happening in Tibet in recent days and we hope that the Chinese will bring peace very quickly."

He called the Olympics "an event of celebration."
"I think that detractors who try and draw attention to their own issues ... are only doing their own causes harm," he added.

Gosper said the spirit of the Olympics was at stake.
"It's symbolic of sport at its best, it's symbolic of peace and good will," he said. "And whilst there are detractors, we're hopeful the torch will come through as it should as an ideal of the Olympic and what it represents."

IOC President Jacques Rogge told The Associated Press in an interview Monday that he was engaged in "silent diplomacy" with the Chinese but wouldn't intervene in politics to try to change their policies.

"We are discussing on a daily basis with Chinese authorities, including discussing these issues, while strictly respecting the sovereignty of China in its affairs," Rogge said.
Protests of China's rule turned violent March 14 in the Tibetan capital of Lhasa, sparking unrest in surrounding provinces. China reported a death toll of 22 from the violence, but Tibet's exiled government says about 140 Tibetans were killed. Nineteen died in subsequent violence in Gansu province, it said.

International criticism and calls for a boycott have unnerved the Chinese leadership, which has blamed the riots on followers of the Dalai Lama.

Tibetan groups have urged the IOC to keep the relay out of the Himalayan region. Rogge, speaking before the incidents, said there were no plans by Beijing organizers to change the route, but he did not rule it out.

The IOC has faced calls to take a hard line with China. But Rogge reiterated his long-standing position that the Olympic body is not a political organization.

sursa: World News

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'Sunt pregatit sa fiu Regele Romaniei'

Printul Nicolae, al treilea in ordinea succesiunii dinastice la tronul Romaniei, acorda un interviu pentru prima data in viata. Cotidianul a stat de vorba la Londra cu tinarul de vita regala pe care romanii si-l amintesc doar ca pe copilul blond care, in 1992, era uimit de entuziasmul multimii venite sa-i salute bunicul

In primavara lui 1992, regele Mihai venea in Romania, pentru a doua oara dupa caderea comunismului, sa sarbatoreasca aici Sfintele Pasti. Intr-o imagine devenita istorica, Maiestatea sa iesea in balconul hotelului Continental pentru a-l prezenta oamenilor pe nepotul sau, printul Nicolae, drept mostenitor al tronului. Simpaticul si elegantul baiat care a fascinat atunci multimea adunata pe strazile Bucurestiului - posturile de televiziune occidentale vorbeau de aproximativ un milion de participanti - avea doar 7 ani. Multi il priveau insa ca pe o speranta a Romaniei. Vedeau in el salvarea pentru o tara incapabila de a se dezmetici din cosmar.

In cei 16 ani care au trecut de atunci, numele printului Nicolae nu a fost pronuntat aproape niciodata in spatiul public romanesc. Alteta sa este astazi, la 23 de ani, un tinar scolit, foarte british, cu un stil de viata care nu aduce a puls linistit de singe albastru: face sport, iubeste, ii plac masinile si iese cu prietenii la chindie. Aura aparte i-o confera poate doar preocuparea sa majora din ultimii ani: expeditiile in Africa si in alte destinatii exotice. O declara insa franc: e interesat de viitorul Romaniei si, daca romanii il vor vrea ca rege, nu va refuza invitatia. E pregatit pentru asta.

L-am intilnit la Londra, intr-o superba dupa-amiaza de simbata, la eleganta locuinta a avocatului Casei Regale, domnul Andrew Popper. Cel care a si intermediat acest interviu. Primul, de altfel, pe care printul Nicolae il acorda in viata sa.

Vreti sa vorbim in engleza sau in romana?

In engleza.

V-ati descurca singur in gara din Savirsin?

Nu prea cred (zimbeste), dar invat. Momentan inteleg cam jumatate dintr-o conversatie mai simpla, dar nu merge chiar cum mi-as dori. Vreau insa sa invat ca sa ma pot implica in proiecte din Romania, e important pentru mine.

Care sint principalii asi ai carierei dumneavoastra?

Am crescut in Durham, o localitate din nord-estul Regatului Unit, locul in care au locuit anterior parintii mei. In 1999 m-am mutat in Henley, mai la sud, unde locuiesc si acum si unde am fost, pina in 2004, student la Shiplake College. In aceasta perioada au inceput sa ma preocupe sporturile in aer liber, am fost in citeva expeditii, cea mai interesanta fiind prima, in Africa, in 2003. E momentul in care pot sa spun ca a inceput de fapt cariera mea. De atunci sint tot mai interesat de outdoor, de safari. Am lucrat apoi pentru World Challenge, o companie care ii invata pe copii tot felul de activitati in aer liber, de la caiac, alpinism si rafting la catarare sau cum sa isi faca o tabara la munte. Dar am avut si alte indeletniciri: chelner, cursant la o scoala de bucatari, figurant la filmari sau angajat al lantului de magazine Tesco. Trebuia sa imi finantez calatoriile in strainatate... Expeditiile ramin insa, pe moment, principala mea preocupare.

Ce veti face in viitorul apropiat?

Cred ca am sa continui pe aceeasi linie, o sa fac ce fac si acum. Am capatat deja o anumita experienta, pot organiza si coordona astfel de expeditii si ii pot ajuta pe tineri sa isi dezvolte capacitatea de a face fata aventurilor de acest gen. Vreau insa sa ma implic in organizarea de expeditii si de evenimente similare si in Romania, pentru tinerii de acolo. Aceasta ar putea insemna un nou drum in cariera mea.

Ce face un print intr-un weekend in care nu da interviuri?

Diverse. Sau foarte multe. Sint o persoana foarte sociabila si am multi amici, cunoscuti. In weekend ne luam masinile si iesim in oras cu prietenii, la film, in cluburi, ne distram. Duc viata pe care o duc tinerii de azi in general.


Da, Rebecca. E din Henley si am cunoscut-o recent, asa ca nu va pot spune prea multe despre ea acum. Atit poate ca ne-am placut din primul moment...

Faceti sport?

Da: rugby, hochei, fotbal. Imi place foarte mult sa fac sport si am si rezultate (zimbeste).

Ati citit “Print si cersetor”?

Nu, dar am auzit de carte.

Cum vedeti copilaria dumneavoastra, ca pe una normala sau ca pe una speciala, comparind cu ceilalti copii din generatia dumneavoastra?

Am trait si clipe foarte frumoase, care pentru unii ar putea parea mai pretentioase, dar in ansamblu cred totusi ca am avut o copilarie normala.

V-ati nascut pe 1 aprilie 1985. V-au sicanat colegii pe treaba asta?

O, da! Nu m-au iertat niciodata... De cite ori aflau de ziua mea, incepeau glumele (ride). Dar asa macar am reusit sa scap de farse.


Am avut citeva la scoala: Durham, dupa locul din care veneam, si Rata, despre care chiar nu am idee de unde vine. De altele nu imi aduc aminte.

Cu care dintre parinti simtiti ca semanati mai mult?

N-as putea spune ca sint ca mama sau ca tata. Din contra, cred ca cel mai mult seman cu bunica mea pe linie paterna. In tinerete fusese o persoana foarte dinamica, sportiva si plina de energie. Ii placea foarte mult miscarea. Cred ca seman mai mult cu ea, mai mult chiar decit cu mama.

In ce tari ai calatorit in afara de Romania?

Madagascar, Africa de Sud, Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Kenya, Thailanda, Statele Unite, Franta, Spania, Cehia, Italia, Danemarca, Ungaria, Elvetia, Germania, Austria... Cam acestea imi vin acum in minte. Si desigur Scotia, Irlanda si Tara Galilor. Le-am vizitat fie in vacanta, fie in expeditii, fie ca sa imi vad rudele.

Ce relatii aveti cu restul familiilor regale din Europa?

Nu prea am relatii cu ei, sint destul de putine. Adica am avut ocazia, onoarea de a intilni personalitati precum printul Charles si regina Marii Britanii, dar nu sint in relatii foarte apropiate cu membrii altor familii regale.

Citeste articolul "'Sunt pregatit sa fiu Regele Romaniei'" integral in Cotidianul

sursa Cotidianul

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Lectie de comportament in societate

Sa vedeti ce se intampla cand iesiti la plimbare cu prietena prin parc.Exista acea categorie sociala de culoare indoielnica(din cauza jegului) cu ceafa lata, care se cred mari si tari si care cred ca se pot lega de oricine.Dar se mai inseala ocazional!

Luati lectii si asa sa faceti si voi!Nu va mai lasati jigniti si calcati in picioare de catre acesti cimpanzei.

Ma vad nevoit sa-mi cer scuze fata de cimpanzei daca i-am jignit.

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De ce ne nastem numai pentru a muri...?

Oare de ce...? Viata de ce esti asa cruda...? Oare ne nastem numai ca sa murim? Oare singura noastra menire pe acest pamant e aceea de a putrezi sub trei metri de tarana?

Viata e asa de cruda. Ia tot ce iti e mai drag, pe lumea asta, de langa tine. Nu poti fugi de soarta si nu te poti ascunde de ea, tot timpul cand lumea tie mai draga te loveste naprasnic.

Oare de ce simtim viata ca pe o "amputare dureroasa"? Trecerea timpului...evolutia omului pe acest pamant...efemeritatea lui...

Se zice ca timpul le vindeca pe toate? Oare chiar asa sa fie? Poate e adevarat ca ranile se vindeca, dar cu siguranta cicatricele raman si acestea se redeschid la un moment dat. Si atunci durerea resimtita e si mai mare. Parca in acel moment resimti toata suferinta acumulta pana in acel moment si te distruge lent, anevoios dar sigur. Si de aceasta degradare sufleteasca nu se poate scapa.

Timpul trece... dar tu te schimbi... te pierzi in vazduhurile vietii... te transformi... te stingi incet... si te duci... Din lut am luat nastere in lut ne transformam...

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Un nou laptop LG: Asiaticele dragute nu sunt incluse in pret!

Sud-coreenii de la LG au lansat un nou notebook din seria XNOTE, si anume P300, care prezinta detalii estetice si tehnice interesante ce il recomanda cu precadere segmentului business!

LG a intrat de ceva vreme pe piata portabilelor, aceasta mutare dovedindu-se benefica, producatorul cunoscut in special pentru electrocasnicele sale de calitate castigandu-si numerosi fani si in acest domeniu.

Notebook-ul ramane cel mai dorit gadget din toate timpurile, astfel ca orice lansare este primita cu caldura! XNOTE P300 face parte din categoria ultra portabilelor, avand o greutate de numai 1.6 Kg. La exterior au fost operate unele modificari de ordin estetic..

Daca dungile tot sunt la moda si le vedem pe orice, de la masini pana la tricouri, de ce sa nu detinem un laptop in pas cu tendintele actuale? Stati linistiti, P300 nu a comis nicio infractiune si nu vine imbracat in haine de detinut, doar capacul a decis sa-si schimbe look-ul, alegand niste dungi stylish!

Daca tot are doar 1.6 Kg, ne asteptam sa fie tare mic..Da, e mic, dar se descurca bine! P300 are un display de 13.3 inch cu rezolutie de 1280x800 pixeli, iar iluminarea backlight are la baza tehnologia LED. Rezolutia ar fi putut numara mai multi pixeli, dar imaginea afisata este de calitate oricum.

Specificatiile tehnice ne dezvaluie un procesor Core 2 Duo T7500 ce ruleaza la frecventa de 2.2 Ghz, puternic si stabil in orice conditii. Memoria RAM totalizeaza 2 GB, valoare suficienta pentru aplicatiile dornice de resurse mari.

XNOTE se preteaza in primul rand oamenilor care doresc performanta si mobilitate sporita. Insa LG nu a uitat nici de gameri, incorporand o placa video cu GPU NVIDIA GeForce 8600M si 256 MB VRAM! Spatiu pentru jocuri, filme, muzica, poze si alte programe este din plin pe hard drive-ul de 250 de GB.

Unitatea optica super multi drive a devenit o obisnuinta pentru LG, fiind pregatita sa arda orice informatii ce nu-si gasesc locul pe HDD. Un cititor de carduri multi format raspunde prezent la strigare, usurand transferul de date!

Alte dotari mai includ o conectica la inaltime formata din porturi USB, Ethernet, FireWire, Bluetooth, WiFi, WWAN si nu in ultimul rand HDMI, pentru cuplarea cu un televizor high definition.
O camera web built-in de 1.3 Mpx poate fi folosita in video conferinte sau doar de amuzament, in instant messengere.LG XNOTE P300 va fi disponibil in curand si la noi, unde produsele sud-coreenilor se bucura de popularitate.

Pretul pentru configuratia descrisa anterior este de aproximativ 2810$, o nimica toata am putea spune daca frumoasa asiatica in bluza portocalie ar fi inclusa, insa lucrurile din pacate nu stau tocmai asa..

sursa: Plug in

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Top 300 Capital - Dinu Patriciu, Gigi Becali şi Ion Ţiriac, pe primele locuri

Dinu Patriciu a urcat pe prima poziţie în Top 300 al celor mai bogaţi români, publicat de revista "Capital", cu o avere de 3,1-3,3 miliarde dolari, fiind urmat de Gigi Becali (2,8-3 miliarde dolari) şi Ion Ţiriac, cu o avere estimatã la 2,2-2,4 miliarde dolari.

Patriciu ocupase în ediţia anterioarã a topului locul al optulea, cu o avere cuprinsã între 550 şi 600 milioane dolari, Becali era pe locul al treilea, cu 900-950 milioane dolari, în timp ce Ţiriac se plasa pe poziţia a doua, cu 1,2-1,5 miliarde dolari.

Locul al patrulea în acest an este ocupat de Sorin Ovidiu Vântu (2,1-2,3 miliarde dolari), care şi-a pãstrat poziţia din 2006, când avea însã o avere estimatã la 850-900 milioane dolari.Pe locul al cincilea se situeazã fraţii Micula (1,9-2,1 miliarde dolari), care au urcat o poziţie, când figurau în top cu o avere estimatã la 750-770 milioane dolari.

Locul 6, în coborâre cu o treaptã, revine familiei Pãunescu, cu 1,6-1,8 miliarde dolari, valoare dublã faţã de anul trecut.Primul în topul din 2006, cu o avere estimatã la 1,3-1,6 miliarde dolari, Iosif Constantin Drãgan, a coborât pe 7, cu 1,5-1,6 miliarde dolari.

Pe locul 8 în acest an s-a plasat Ioan Niculae, cu o avere estimatã la 1,4-1,6 miliarde dolari, el fiind urmat de Zoltan Teszari, cu 1,2 miliarde dolari.Pe locul 10 în top figureazã, cu o poziţie în coborâre faţã de anul trecut, familia Voiculescu, cu o avere estimatã la 0,9-1 miliard dolari.

Averile celor mai bogaţi 300 români însumeazã 33 miliarde de dolari, cu 50% mai mult comparativ cu anul trecut. Primii zece clasaţi deţin averi care totalizeazã 18 miliarde de dolari, valoare ce depãşeşte suma cumulatã pentru ceilalţi 290 prezenţi în top.

Capitala are cei mai mulţi reprezentanţi în top (121), cinci dintre aceştia având averi de peste un miliard de dolari.Bucureştiul este pe primul loc şi în ceea ce priveşte averile cumulate ale celor 121 de afacerişti care-l reprezintã în top, evaluate la 20,3 - 23,2 miliarde de dolari.Pe locul doi se situeazã Transilvania, cu 61 de milionari a cãror avere cumulatã se ridicã la 3,7 - 3,8 miliarde de dolari, urmatã de Crişana, care, deşi cu opt prezenţe în top, cumuleazã 3,3 - 3,5 miliarde de dolari şi de Banat, unde averile celor 15 prezenţi în clasament reunesc 1,6 - 1,7 miliarde de dolari.Pe locul imediat urmãtor este Dobrogea (24 de persoane, cu averi care totalizeazã 1,3 - 1,5 miliarde de dolari), Moldova (12 oameni de afaceri, 1,2 - 1,4 miliarde de dolari) şi Muntenia (24 de persoane, 943 - 980 milioane de dolari).Oltenia are 13 milionari în dolari, ale cãror averi se ridicã la 572 - 669 milioane de dolari, Maramureşul cinci milionari, cu 277 - 286 milioane de dolari, în timp ce Bucovina ocupã ultimul loc în top, cu o singurã prezenţã, a cãrei avere este estimatã la 21 - 23 milioane de dolari.

Cea mai spectaculoasã intrare în top este cea a lui Gabriel Comãnescu. Omul de afaceri din Constanţa are o avere estimatã la 600 - 700 de milioane de dolari, şi a intrat în top direct pe locul 14.

Urmãtorul nou intrat, ca valoare a averii, este Nicolae Petrov (180 - 200 de milioane de dolari).Pe locul trei al noilor intraţi în top se aflã Iustin Paraschiv din Mizil (25 de ani), cu afaceri industria cãrnii şi cu o avere estimatã la 56 de milioane de dolari. Locul urmãtor este ocupat de Virgil Cãlina (50 - 55 de milioane de dolari), la egalitate cu Lucian Lazia, urmaţi de Constantin Frãţilã (48 - 50 de milioane de dolari), Vasile Costea şi Grigore Comãnescu, fiecare cu câte 35 - 40 de milioane de dolari.

O altã apariţie nouã este cea a familiei Dunca din Timişoara, cu o avere estimatã la 30 de milioane de dolari, sumã similarã cu a noilor intraţi Mircea Vescan şi Nelu Iordache.

Cu 18-20 de milioane de dolari au intrat în top şi Mircea Bulboacã (Sibiu) şi Gheorghe Iaciu (Bucureşti), în timp ce averea nou intratului Iosif Pop este estimatã la 15 - 20 de milioane de dolari.
Averea cu care s-a intrat anul acesta în top a fost de 12-13 milioane de dolari, în creştere faţã de anul trecut, când nivelul minim a fost de 10 milioane de dolari.Majoritatea celor prezenţi în top au înregistrat creşteri ale averilor, iar în unele cazuri acestea au rãmas constante, cu o singurã excepţie, Dragoş Anastasiu, proprietarul Touring Eurolines, a cãrui avere a scãzut de la 22- 24 milioane de dolari la 21 de milioane de dolari.

Cele mai importante ieşiri din top sunt ale lui Ioan Mihãilã, care în ediţia trecutã a topului avea o avere estimatã la 40 de milioane de dolari, Gabriel Mardarasevici (12 milioane de dolari), sumã cu care au ieşit din top şi Viorel Moldovan, Mihai Rotaru şi Bogdan Enoiu.

Averile au fost calculate pornind de la datele de bilanţ pentru 2006 ale firmelor controlate, însã autorii topului au ţinut cont şi de evoluţia afacerilor în acest an, precum şi de tranzacţiile încheiate.

La realizarea topului s-a apelat la metodologia sumarã utilizatã de firmele de specialitate în evaluarea companiilor.De asemenea, pentru unele business-uri, a fost luatã în calcul şi valoarea activelor aflate în patrimoniu.

Datoriile scadente au fost contabilizate, însã obligaţiile curente sau cele reeşalonate nu au fost scãzute din valoarea afacerii.

Piaţa imobiliarã a fost motorul creşterii majoritãţii averilor.

sursa: Jurnalul National

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Top 5: Cei mai bogati romani din mass-media

Mass-media reprezinta un domeniu de activitate care starneste pasiuni, ambitii si care se afla intr-o continua expansiune. Acum 17 ani in Romania exista doar o televiziune si cateva ziare, astazi, asistam la (r)evolutia mass-media. Din ce in ce mai multe televizuni de nisa sunt lansate, unele ajung sa aiba succes altele nu. Buticul de ziare devine neincapator, in timp ce rasfoitul presei on-line a devenit treptat motivant pentru cei care dezvolta industria de profil.

Dar mass-media nu inseamna doar atat, ci reprezinta si domeniul in care sume fabuloase sunt investite pentru ca apoi profiturile sa se ridice la milioane de euro anual.“Capital” a realizat un top al celor mai bogati oameni din mass-media romaneasca la ora actuala.

1.Pozitia fruntasa este detinuta de Sorin Ovidiu Vantu, cu o avere estimata la 850-900 milioane de dolari. Un personaj extrem de controversat, acesta considera presa ca fiind doar o afacere al carei produs trebuie sa ii multumeasca pe consumatori si in acelasi timp sa aduca un castig cat mai mare. Momentan “mogulul” mass-mediei romanesti controleaza trustul de presa Realitatea – Catavencu. O parte dintre proiectele pe care acesta le detine sunt: televiziunile Romantica si The Money Channel, agentia de presa NewsIn, reteaua Radio Guerrilla si publicatiile "Cotidianul" si "Le Monde Diplomatique", carora li se adauga evident postul Realitatea TV.

2. Locul 2 in clasament este ocupat de familia Paunescu cu o avere de 830-850 milioane de dolari. Afacerile lor includ mai multe domenii printre care: mass-media, imobiliare si industrie. In ceea ce priveste mass-media sunt actionarii majoritari ai postului de televiziune B1 TV si ai cotidianului “Curierul National”.

3. Pe locul 3 se afla fratii Micula. Averea estimativa a acestora este de 750-770 milioane de euro. Mass-media nu reprezinta singura afacere a familiei, desi sunt detinatorii Centrului National Media care include posturile National TV, N24, National FM, Favorit TV si ziarul Realitatea Romaneasca. Cele mai importante investitii ale celor doi frati sunt in domeniul alimentatiei, fiind detinatorii European Drinks, Scandic Distilleries si European Foods.

4. Urmatorul loc in clasament apartine familiei Voiculescu, cu o avere estimata la 500 de milioane de dolari. Acestia detin pachetul majoritar de actiuni a mai multor televiziuni, inclusiv Antena 1. Printre proiectele noi cu care se lauda trustul de presa se numara posturile Euforia TV, Antena 2 si Antena 3, precum si si un numar de publicatii noi.

5. Ultimul, dar nu cel din urma este Adrian Sarbu, renumit pentru actiunile pe care le detine in cadrul trustului Media Pro. Acesta se poate lauda cu o avere de 97-100 milioane de dolari. Trustul detine mai multe televiziuni, posturi de radio si publicatii. Sarbu s-a implicat si in conducerea operatiunilor companiei americane Central European Media Enterprises (CME) pentru Romania, Cehia si Slovacia. CME este de asemenea detinatoare de actiuni la trustul Media Pro.

sursa:Yuppy Men's Only

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Ferrari Buys Steel Pipes From Romania To Build New Headquarters

Italy’s Ferrari SpA will purchase 3,000 tons of steel pipes to build new headquarters from Romanian ArcelorMittal Iasi.

“The deal was signed early November and will be completed in December,” union leader Constantin Rotaru said Friday.

The contract is worth EUR1.8 million.

The representatives of ArcelorMittal Iasi could not be reached for comments.

ArcelorMittal Iasi reported revenues of EUR34.1 million in the first half of the year, down 7.4% on year. The company posted losses of EUR776,140.

ArcelorMittal, the world's largest steelmaker, owns three other plants in Romania, in Galati, Roman and Hunedoara cities, as well as the port operator Romportmet Galati.

sursa: Mediafax

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18M Romanians Expected To Vote For EP Elections, Referendum

Around 18 million Romanian citizens are expected to vote on Sunday, November 25, to elect the 35 Romanian officials to represent the country in the European Parliament and to say if they agree with the introduction of the uninominal voting system.

The two events are based on Law no. 33/2007 regarding the organization and development of European Parliament elections and on Law no. 3/2000 regarding the organization of the referendum. Both acts were amended through several government emergency ordinances.
Around 18267634 million Romanians are expected to vote for the referendum while 18267639 citizens to vote for EP elections.

The results of the referendum to introduce the uninominal voting system will be sent to the Central Electoral Bureau by County Bureaus in 24 hours after the voting sections close.
According to Law no. 3/2000, the interval will be enough for country electoral bureaus to receive the data from voting sections and to send it to the Central Electoral Bureau.

In 24 hours after the vote ends, the Bureau will forward to the Constitutional Court the centralized results of the national referendum, comprising in the number of valid votes and that of votes that were annulled.

According to legal stipulations, the Court presents to Parliament a report on the observance of procedures regarding the organization and development of the referendum and confirms its results.

The results are to be then published in the Official Gazette of Romania.


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Trial Of Romanian Hacker Breaking Into NASA Servers Postponed

The trial of Romanian hacker Victor Faur, accused of breaking the codes and hacking into the computerized systems of several American agencies, including NASA, was postponed by four months as the procedures to call on American witnesses to testify took longer than expected.

Dan Ilarie, head of the Arad organized crime investigation department, said American witnesses failed to show for the hearing on Thursday and the trial was postponed by four months.
Judges decided the next hearing to take place on March 20, 2008.

At the October 18 hearing, Faur admitted to having accessed American servers but he said he did it without knowing whose servers they were. He added he had no intention to cause damages.

The 23 year-old Romanian national said he received the access data from a user he met on the internet, who is supposedly from Constanta, southeast Romania.

Faur could not give information on the man who supposedly gave him the access data of the American servers.

The Romanian citizen said he does not agree to pay any compensations to the American agencies involved, as he does not consider to have caused them any kind of damage.

At the first hearing that took place on September 6, 2007 in Arad, western Romania, the hometown of Faur, representatives of NASA, the US Navy and the US Department of Energy asked to be paid damages worth EUR1.7 million as 150 of their computers were hacked into.
Faur is accused of illegally accessing between November 2005 and September 2006 computerized systems belonging to the American agencies the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) - Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), Goddard Space Flight Center, (GSFC) US Department of Navy and US Department of Energy (DoE).

Faur used passwords and usernames belonging to authorized personnel from these institutions.



Cannabis, Most Wanted Drug In Europe – Report

Cannabis is the most used illegal drug in Europe, some 70 million European citizens stating that they have tried it at least once in their life, while 23 million people said they used cannabis in the past year, according to the annual report on the drug situation in Europe, presented in Bucharest.

According to the report, most EU citizens use cannabis, while 7,000 to 8,000 people die every year, overdoses being the main cause.

"Death by overdose is not the only health risk for users. Studies indicate a high mortality rate, regardless of the cause, mainly among problematic drug users, up to ten times higher than the rate registered in the general population. Therefore, if we want to significantly reduce the morbidity and mortality associated with chronic drug consumption, we need a more comprehensive strategy to treat the mental as well as physical health problems of problematic drug users," said the report.

In just one month, over 13 million European citizens said they used cannabis.
"After a high level of cannabis consumption in the 90s, the latest data indicates that the cannabis consumption stabilized or dropped in several countries. Among top ranking countries, Spain registers more stable consumption rates, or decreasing ones, while in the Czech Republic, France and Great Britain, they dropped by 3-4 percentage points," said the report.

According to the data presented in Bucharest, cannabis consumption levels are hiking among young people, up to the age of 34, in Hungary, Slovakia and Norway.

Regarding requests for rehab, against cannabis consumption, they have tripled on a European level, between 1999 and 2005.


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sursa:R. Mustata,V. Muller

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Censoring Santa: Sydney says no, no, no to Ho, Ho, Ho

Christmas (or should I say "Xmas" -- "the holiday season" maybe?) continues to be criminalized and the companies that make a business of tinsel, gaily wrapped packages and "ho, ho, ho" don't know whether to embrace or hide from the specter of political incorrectness.

I'm sorry. Did I offend you?

In the latest blow to the no-longer-holy holidays, Santas in Sydney, Australia are being urged to say "ha, ha, ha," instead of "ho, ho, ho."

Recruitment firm Westaff (NASDAQ: WSTF), which contracts with hundreds of Santas, sending them to stores and social appearances throughout Australia, has re-vamped its training. It's telling would-be Santas that the "ho ho ho" phrase "could frighten children and could even be derogatory to women," according to an Australian newspaper.

As Zac Bissonnette says, "ho, ho, ho" is offensive? I could understand if Santas were walking around calling people nappy-headed 'hos," but Santa's jolly greeting is more kid lit than gangsta rap.
After all, what does "ho, ho, ho" remind you of, more, than "'Twas the Night Before Christmas"? Can't you just see a belly bouncing like a bowl full of jelly?

Oh, dear. Now I've just offended those with larger-than-normal body types.


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Romania’s President Takes Uninominal Voting Law Up With Constitutional Court

Romania’s President Traian Basescu appealed Wednesday with the Constitutional Court the law on the uninominal voting system for which the government assumed responsibility in Parliament.

Basescu made the announcement in a press conference in Romania’s western city of Timisoara, where he is touring to promote the uninominal voting system.

The President said that he appealed article 29 of the uninominal voting law which stipulates the introduction of the additional list of voters nationwide. Basescu cared to stress that the government assumed responsibility for an incomplete law.

According to Basescu, this article actually infringes article 2 of the Constitution stipulating the sovereignty of the Romanian people, as well as article 62, section 1 of the Constitution stipulating that the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate are both elected through universal, equal, direct, secret and freely expressed votes, based on the electoral law.

Sursa: Mediafax

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The First Ferrari Hybrid

Ferrari is showing off it's green with a new concept, high performance vehicle, the Ferrari FFX Millechili. Yes, it's a hybrid, and uses it's electric drive train not just to boost power but also to increase efficiency.

What's really exciting about the FFX is that its made of lightweight materials including carbon fiber, plastic and cardboard.

Eh? Cardboard?! Well, apparently so. I'm not sure if this is just to make the prototype easier to build, or of Ferrari really is considering its use in vehicles, but, in any case, using light weight materials to increase efficiency is extremely necessary. Additionally, the FFX incorporates an advanced aerodynamic undercarriage system that uses jets of air to keep whirlpools of drag from forming beneath the car.

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