Romania’s President Takes Uninominal Voting Law Up With Constitutional Court

Romania’s President Traian Basescu appealed Wednesday with the Constitutional Court the law on the uninominal voting system for which the government assumed responsibility in Parliament.

Basescu made the announcement in a press conference in Romania’s western city of Timisoara, where he is touring to promote the uninominal voting system.

The President said that he appealed article 29 of the uninominal voting law which stipulates the introduction of the additional list of voters nationwide. Basescu cared to stress that the government assumed responsibility for an incomplete law.

According to Basescu, this article actually infringes article 2 of the Constitution stipulating the sovereignty of the Romanian people, as well as article 62, section 1 of the Constitution stipulating that the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate are both elected through universal, equal, direct, secret and freely expressed votes, based on the electoral law.

Sursa: Mediafax

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